Let me completely open about this.  This game is primarily for two types of people – those who enjoy simulation-type games like SimCity and those who enjoy cute little African animals.  While I did get into it for a bit, it was mainly because I wanted to unlock things.  I did not have to do with the gameplay pulling me in.  In fact, I only played another 20 minutes after unlocking all the areas and the mystery egg.  By the way, if you remember how long I stated playing earlier, you will realize it does not take that long to move through the game.  While this game is primarily made for children, I do wish there was a bit of ramped up difficulty.  Through those 2 hours of gameplay, I was able to unlock 80% of the animals, 55% of the plants, 10% of the insects, 33% of the fish, 31% of the rare foods, and 30% of the goals.  It is also important to remember that I had one goal in mind as well – to get all 6 areas unlocked.  I am assuming that if I spend another 2 hours with the game, I will probably be close to completing it 100%.  Sure, for those who enjoy the cute animals, the game could continue for hours of enjoyment.  However, for those who are more about progression, you will easily complete this game in less than 6 hours.

whole review at WiiNintendo!