Two for the price of one – which are both free! For today’s SporeDay, MaxisKate created a brand new Adventure titled ‘The Metamorphosis‘.
Download and play “The Metamorphosis” by Maxis technical artist, Kate Compton, simply by opening your Spore game and logging in.
This adventure is worth 100 points so make sure to play it to upgrade your captain.
“I got the idea from a class I had back at Georgia Tech. The focus of the class was on trying to adapt examples from literature (and a few other mediums) into video games.It’s a challenging and fun exercise to do with any piece of media. I wanted to make the most faithful adaptation possible, so I needed to zero-in on how to make the player experience analogous to what you would experience while reading the original Kafka novella.” – MaxisKate
After you are down playing (make sure you leave a review for Kate), consider entering the Metamorphosis Challenge that MaxisCactus has kicked off!
Challenge Details
If you played the latest Maxis adventure, The Metamorphosis, you may have noticed that a disturbing transformation has taken place.In the Metamorphosis Challenge, make your own transformation with at least three creations that illustrate three stages of a creature’s life!
Not sure what to make? Your creations can represent a realistic earthly creature’s metamorphosis, such as a caterpillar/pupa/butterfly, or you can invent your own twisted alien metamorphosis.
What will the challenge winner get?
A chance to be featured on!
We’ll post our favorite submissions here, then YOU get to vote for which one is your top pick! The winner may be featured if it meets our criteria for featured creations.
• It must not have any parent authored by a different creator.
• It must not have any offensive creation in its lineage (any parent or child creations).
• It must not have any links or references to other sites in the submission’s tags, name, or descriptionSubmissions that do not meet the above criteria will not be considered for the poll
How to Enter:
• Create three or more creatures in the creature editor. Publish these with the tag MCMorphChallenge.
• Add all creations in your metamorphosis series to a SporeCast tagged with MCMorphChallenge.
• Optional: Post screenshots and links here on the forumRules:
• All creations in your Sporecast entry must be made by you.
• Your creations must be made in the creature/accessory editors.
• You can submit as many Sporecasts as you like with as many creations as you like. Remember that each Sporecast should only contain representations of one species.
• All submissions must be in by 11:00am PDT 10/8Challenge FAQ
Q: Does it have to fit into the bizarre bug-like stages of larva-pupa-adult, or could it be more of a child-adult-weakened adult? I’ve already made a few evolutionary creations that go through the insect cycle, and I kinda want to do something different than the obvious. – jwmd2
A: As with most of these challenges, we aren’t strict with how you interpret the challenge prompt. As long as you explain your more off-kilter entries in the description, they will be considered.Q: Are finalists chosen based on looks or description? – Westonro
A: Maxis looks at all elements of the creation when choosing finalists. Obviously, the overall aesthetic weighs heavily, but a clever name and description can tip the scales in your favor. Keep in mind that when we post finalists, we do not include the description, however a link will direct others to the Sporepedia where they can view it. It’s up to other players to click the link when they are voting to read the complete description.Q: Can entries be made in the accessory editors? – Westonro
A: Yes. The accessory editors can be used to enhance your creatures.