Another splendid review with a score of 9/10!

Sims 3 has done a great job at advancing the series. It’s not simply a graphical overhaul, but a total revamp of the old gameplay and GUI. The game has de-emphasised the extreme micro-management by easing your ability to manage the needs and desires of your characters, though the element is certainly still present. The new way of dealing with friends and work is certainly going to be a welcome change for most people. Simply put, the ability to do most things that you would like or can imagine doing is refreshing, and the freedom to be all the Sim that you can be does not go unnoticed. The fact that Sims 3 will allow you to play out almost any conceivable fantasy (in a strictly non-sexual way) certainly is a highlight, and possibly one of the biggest draw cards of the series.

Gameplanet reviews The Sims 3 (another nice find, Sims 3 Nieuws!)