So Harlan immediately leaves his newly crowded house, now infested with kids-by-marriage, and drives to the graveyard. Sure enough, there are Samantha Dingus’ remains! Although he’s drop-dead tired, Harlan drives over to the science center to try out the ghost machine. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Well, at least it doesn’t work as I expected. The ghost of Samantha Dingus appears, but she appears as yet another member of Harlan’s burgeoning household. And as soon as Harlan gets home, Nicole is vomiting into the toilet. Morning sickness. What I had hoped was going to be a small family of Harlan, Nicole, and their baby is now Harlan, Nicole, their baby, two step-kids, and a ghost who eats and sleeps just like everyone else. I think we’re good to go for a sitcom here.
Link to Fidgit’s article here (thanks again, Sims 3 Nieuws!)