Only a few more days everywhere until The Sims 3 is leashed upon the world!  I have to say, I’m very proud of many of you who read this site and who have voted in our poll!  474 voters (58%) are doing the right thing and staying clear of all of the Sims 3 pirated copies floating around.  236 of you (29%)…I’m not so thrilled with, but I’ll forgive you considering once the game is released you will do the right thing and purchase the game to support the developers.  🙂   9% of the voters (71 tallys) have no interest in the game…so I suppose these are my Spore fans (hello!).  And last, the ones who downloaded the game and were none to happy were 39 people (5%).  In conclusion, the total amount lost for EA just by viewing the results of this poll would be $1,950.  That’s chump change for a company as big as EA.

Let’s kick off one more poll dedicated to TS3 before I switch on over to Spore.  You have two choices when you bought the game – Collector’s or Standard.  What did you buy?