I myself didn’t want to post this, but the 7 year old immature kid in me does. I’m going to try to tread very lightly on this subject. In fact, I don’t even want to touch it with a 10-foot po…no, shouldn’t say that. Hmmm anything I say might end up with me being caught in a sticky situa…ah damnit, I’ll shut up. Here’s the link, be warned that it should only be for adults or for those who can view Sporn…
GameSpy – EA Plans Celebration for 1,000,000th Spore Penis Creature
Great post, already saw it but decided not to post.
That’s a funny article, you should make it a *sticky* so it doesn’t get rammed into, I mean onto, page two.
ROFL, i’m surprised EA allows such creations to be uploaded to the Spore website.
Some horny creatures might get jealous, he he
I laughed hard at this:
EA spokesperson Hugh G. Rection made the following statement:
We’re excited that Spore’s inspired an unprecedented amount of creativity. Sure, the first thing anyone does with a utensil that allows them to make something is create a penis, but the level of artistry in the ones we’re seeing in Spore is really unlike anything else.
“”””—– I’m literally blown away by the penises I see every day. ——“””
It’s really amazing when you think about how quickly these were whipped out.
There’s so many possibilities for writing this article.
“The preceding content was intended as a piece of fictional satire and should not be taken seriously. ” … last paragraph, below the last picture.
Yep, aware of that, hope others are aware too 😉 Had to post to though, for the lols
I think I might erect my own Penis Creature.
I thought this was for real until I woke up enough to noticed that both Hugh G. Rection and Harry Wang both work for EA. It’s far too early in the morning to be reading and thinking.
But this comment really sounds like a stupid comment someone from EA would really make… “we have come to the conclusion that our audience is so incredibly unfamiliar with the female genitalia that it’s simply beyond their grasp to recreate it.” Couldn’t be because the male version is far easier to create.