Well, technically this isn’t that important, but I’ll take any Sims 3 items tossed my way. The back of the pre-order box for The Sims 3 Regular Edition has been found from the EA forums. Note that this is only for a pre-order box from Best Buy, so it is possible that it may not be the back of the actual retail box.
Sources: Hiki’s Sims 3 Newsblog and SimOperations
This is from BestBuy
Thanks Connor 🙂
Hm.. how is the front of the box? is the image of oficial site?
Should be, yes
Hehe, I took those pics!
It is from Best Buy, and I took it when I got home, and posted it on the Sims 3 UK forums. :]
Well thank you for stopping by and thanks again for sharing the pictures, Brooke. Are you staring at the back of the box waiting for the real copy to arrive 😉 I often catch myself doing that to mine 😛