To the community,
If you see a file on the internet of “The Sims 3 Demo”, under any circumstances, do NOT download the file, as it is a virus. We all know how anxious everyone is to get their chance to play The Sims 3, but at this time there is NOT an official demo available. If there ever will be, you can download it from the official Sims 3 website (not to mention countless Sim fansites will be reporting on it).
So far, links have been found on The Sims 3 Facebook page in the comments, so be aware and do not click on any attachments of .zip, .exe or the likes. And always keep your trusty anti-virus software up-to-date in case you do accidently click on it.
Fansite owners, I urge you to please make a post and to steer simmers away from potentially harming their computers 🙂
Thanks to WIKIDSIM2K4 from the Sims 2 BBS for the tip!
Thanks for the heads up Jud. I’ve posted a warning about it on my forums.
A Sims 3 demo would be nice but I don’t think it’ll happen and unless its on a reliable site it’s most likely a fake or worst.
OK. I nearly got roped into this onto YouTube STUPID ME! But what’s worse in the way they did it in YouTube, is you had to pay before accessing the download. Obviously, I never went through. I’ll add a little note on my forums!
Yea i almost believe the idiot who posted that on YouTube as real! lol, Stupid me!! but i do wish there was goign to be a demo! Maybe they can do something liek they did with Spore, give out a CAS and you can create Sims to populate the Exchange! Maybe even a little tiny walkthrough and tour of the town! somethign cool like that that’ll keep us fans busy for 2 more months! 😀 What do you think SimPrograms? Will EA have something like that? Oh and its me Lucky711 from Twitter!! 😀
Well hello there! 😛
You know, I had it in the back of my mind that with the delay, they would of considered putting CAS on a CD like they did with Spore Content Creator and sell it for $5-10. Free would be my preference, but considering it’s EA, they know they would get a buttload of money if they did sell it. Sadly it takes time and I don’t think it was their intentions to do so in the first place. Wish they would of thought of it though! We could of been playing with CAS now!
Am I the only one who never believed this was real in the first place? EA would announce it ahead of time if anything. They are not going to just post a demo unofficially like this. We all know that they don’t do things under the radar, well, except for with Securom. But it is good that this warning is out so that those who did buy into it can indeed be warned. I can see why they did this what with all the hopeful and anxious fans out there. Hey, I’m anxious for the game as well. And I, too, would like a CAS demo of some sort and we can save our created Sims to be playable in the real game. Kind of like Spore’s Creator Creator, but hopefully just one version with everything and not two or three stupid other versions with so and so % of extra stuff added.
What gets me is that not only did they release the creature creator for Spore, but they releaed the CAS for the Sims 2 ahead of time as well. Why are they not releasing the CAS for TS3 ahead of time. My guess, it they haven’t released it by now (with two months to go), they aren’t going to.
PLEASE HELP–There was a notification on facebook on a picture where hundreds of people were tagged……i clicked on it through my email thinking it was a normal picture. then that pic popped up and my song that was playing at the time sounded funny for a second….i dont know if a virus went on my comp from just doing that or is it because the comp had to load all those names. Anyone know if getting a virus from that is possible??
It may of downloaded it in your internet cache, so I suppose it is possible – if you have any anti-virus software, I’d be running them right now just to be on the safe side 🙂
i got that virus it sucked ass i had to delete all my photos and apologized to every body by posting a wall comment it sucked balls
ai a virus