Do you already have your game pre-ordered from a random retail store other than Walmart?  Do you love getting the most out of your money?  ManagerJosh of Worldsims has pointed out that Walmart is now offering an exclusive pre-order item, a Sims 3 USB powered lava lamp!  That’s right!  Ditch the lame car download that comes with the Collector’s Set and go for the good stuff that comes with the standard version of the Sims 3 game!  This actually has me in a state of confusion in what to do… I really want this item, but I HATE ordering games online.  I never get them in time and they are always on the store shelves first.

What to do, what to do?  Hmmm…I wonder if I could order a copy online with the lamp online and if the game doesn’t make it here in time, I can purchase another at Walmart and return the online copy back to the store…I don’t suppose that would work, would it? 😛  More than likely it’s probably a cheap lavalamp that has a sticker plastered on it…But the Sims geek inside of me is freakin’ excited…even if I already am using all of my USB peripheral slots!