How’s that for a title…talk about a mouth full 😛 updates with a note that the cover for The Sims 3 you saw the other day is in fact the true official cover. Sorry haters of the cover, looks as if EA is sticking with it.
How’s that for a title…talk about a mouth full 😛 updates with a note that the cover for The Sims 3 you saw the other day is in fact the true official cover. Sorry haters of the cover, looks as if EA is sticking with it.
This isn’t the offical cover art, EA stated it was to provocative to use, Ben Bell also said that this isn’t showwing the full uniqness of the game, having said that this isn’t the one. (N) to bad keep looking!
Stop making up such a big load of crap, unless you got some real proof of this statement, don’t comment at all. Its people like you who make a total ass out of yourselves, if you can supply some source I will appologize in a way greater than you can imagine, and if not – get a life, and stop being such an ass wipe.
OK… Too provocative? WTF? What the hell is provocative about this cover? Ugh, whatever, go back to church where you belong.
what is wrong with church, i ask you?
I’ve got to say…I honestly don’t see the big fuss over the cover. I just don’t see anything wrong about it. The Sims series has always held a Teen rating, so it’s no surprise they decided to use teens/young adults on the game cover. And if folks are mad that it looks inappropriate with the way they dress, then I hope they don’t go to malls or college. Plus, they’re on a hilltop overlooking the town. Who else would be hanging out on a hill?
Anon, I didn’t mean it that way about the church comment. I meant it as that that person sounded like a typical fundamental extremist who thinks that everything is sinful and wrong, etc. I didn’t mean that church was bad, sorry if you took it that way. 🙂
Thats an official cover, althought it was removed by EA, but they published it, maybe they want to make some changes.
But that cover was officiale published by EA.
NL: Leuk dat ej em hebt gevonden we hebben em meteen op onze site gezet
Myself being a sim fan find it fantastic that people have such passion for the game, making it a point to argue about the cover! It’s BRILLIANT