Well, well, well…It was bound to happen sooner or later, and to be honest, I’m glad it is sooner. Looks like good ol’ EA has been slapped with a Class Action Lawsuit regarding SecuROM. In a 36-page report, plaintiff Melissa Thomas claims that SecuROM is an undisclosed program which was not stated that it will be installed.
Installed on our machines intrusively, there is no true way of removing such program even after the game is removed unless we were to completely wipe our harddrives.
I hate to see it come to this (oh who the hell am I kidding, I’m GLAD). I’ve been against SecuROM since day 1, and I hope EA will learn this lesson when they are sued big time. Melissa, I stand by you 100% and wish you the best of luck!
You’d think they would have learned before it came to this. Hopefully, they’ll win or do enough damage to EA that they’ll wisen up and drop SecuROM. Hopefully, when they fall back to their “but it protects our property” argument someone hits them with the fact that we have been trying to hammer home. It does not work. When the game is cracked time after time before release in some cases it’s clearly NOT working. It’s like giving the car theft the keys to your car.
I wonder if this is the reasoning behind the recent crackdown on DRM topics on the official Spore forums. Kinda funny that started the same week as the lawsuit story broke. :/
YAY! Thanks Melissa….I have a strong desire to post this on the BBS forums! *heehee* This is such great news! Thank you!
Way to go Melissa! I wish enough sims 2 and spore players would get together and file more lawsuits. Securom is maleware and it needs to be destroyed.
I wish you the best Melissa!
It’s nice and all, and I hope she wins.. but I don’t think she really will. Looking over the monstrosity of a legal document I see nothing but implications, basis on user reviews and some sketchy facts (I’ve never heard of SecuROM running from Ring0, crashing computers; being a piece of crap; acting like annoying spyware sure – but never running on Ring 0)
It’s pretty much going to come down to the fact that it was installed without our knowledge(which it was) but is that one fact and a sea of implications and user reviews good enough for 5mil? Guess we’ll find out.
If she succeeds, will I get my cut, or does she pocket it?
Since it is a Class Action Lawsuit, if she wins, everyone who purchased Spore will get a cut (I believe we will have to fill out a form and mail it in when they provide one)
oh she’ll win alright, all she has to do is pull out the posts from the sims 2 tech support site from when securom first hit with Bon Voyage and destroyed everyones computer, the tech support site was jam packed with people who had problems and it only got worse with free time and now apartment life. if you want there may be simmers who have the orig corres from EA games tech department who told us orignally that we could not play all of our EP’s without securom so we were not allowed to remove it at all!!
after a few complaints to the BBB and the FTC which states that anything you put on your computer that you pay for you should be able to remove!! only then did EA come out with a removal tool and they aren’t even the ones that came up with it the Simmers at MATY +moreawsimthanyou did
I hope she sues the pant off them and while your at it get Sony too!! it came from them and if you do a little searching you can find the names of the attorneys who sued them for the rootkit they installed on CDs. I hope she gets a million dollars and then some!!!
what a great reason to buy spore
Way to go, Melissa!! I’m so glad she sued EA. My laptop can no longer go into safe mode. I am not sure if it’s linked to DRM that came with Spore. Anyhow, installing SecuRom on our computers without our knowledge is just WRONG!! It’s a class action lawsuit so if she wins all Spore buyers win. More importantly, it’ll teach EA a lesson. I love The Sims franchise to death, but I am increasingly disgruntled with EA. EA has GREED carved on its forehead.
i agree whole heartedly with Rachel C way to go melissa go get them greedy idiots she has my support 250%. 🙂
This whole fucking post n thread FAILS!